所提及到的“遥控器”事实上就是整个探测器的核心主机,所有的设置操作都必须通过遥控器来完成。通过遥控器的显示屏以及操作按键,可以选择并调节许多的功能。遥控器上的USB接口也可以实现厂家程序更新。XP地下金属探测器在没有遥控器的情况下,也可以发挥出杰出的作用,只需要探测盘和无线耳机,达到更结实、更轻便的结构!就如同遥控器 样,耳机同样包含所有探测需要的组件,他们才是真正的控制器,不仅防雨而且更迷你小巧。当遥控器不在的时候,他们可以用来调节探测器的设定。耳机不仅可以控制DEUS探测器的电源开关,调节探测器的灵敏度、识别、地面平衡、音调、频率(4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 18k Hz),音量等等,而且可以选择遥控器里的厂家预置程序。您探测过程中不管有没有遥控器,探测器的性能都是 样的! 后,全新的XP伸缩杆以及后托手拥有更大的优越性,更人性化,这样您可以在短短几秒之内就可以完成探测杆的伸缩折叠,而且可以很快地完成探测盘的更换,其人性化的设计会让操作者感到更舒适更方便。
XP主机 | 1 | USB连接线三个头 | 1 | |
探测杆子 | 2 | 充电器 | 1 | |
无线耳机 | 1 | 探测盘充电连接夹 | 1 | |
背包 | 1 | 螺丝垫片 | 2 | |
探测盘 | 1 | 主机皮套 | 1 | |
USB连接线 个头 | 1 | 原装说明书 | 1 |

1.开关键:开关/进入菜单选项 结构/程序/探测盘/厂家预留程序.
2.菜单键:进入菜单 识别/灵敏度/频率.
The underground metal detector imported from France XP Deus is a wireless detector based on wireless circuit connection. In this new design, the detection panel, the controller and the headset are all connected by wireless signals, so the portability is greatly improved. When the built-in circuit module of the detection plate receives the signal, the wireless circuit will transmit the data to the headset and the controller. Through this method, there is no longer a need for connecting wires to transmit signals, thereby improving data quality. XP underground metal detector is fast, portable, simple, and controllable digital detector. Whether you are a beginner or experienced treasure hunter, XP Underground metal Detector will let you decide whether to modify the settings on the machine. The powerful factory preset program allows all operators to immediately start treasure hunting, and experienced professional treasure hunters can select advanced parameter settings through the controller interface.